
5 ways to keep well while travelling

Be it for work or pleasure, travel is all about changing up your usual patterns and experiencing something new. While that means discovering new cultures, enjoying new cuisine, and meeting new people, it can also mean that we fall out of our normal healthy routines – and come home feeling more sluggish than sublime.

Here are a few ways to keep well while on your travels.

1. Prioritise sleep

Being in a new place makes it easy to forgo normal bedtimes and stay up late, enjoying the change of environment. And often, it also means getting up early to make the most of the day.

Throwing your usual sleep patterns out the window puts you on the fast track to exhaustion within a day or two, making it harder to concentrate and enjoy travel experiences.

Instead, make a point of prioritising good sleep habits. Be strict with yourself in getting to bed at a reasonable time (even if it is a bit later than usual), and don’t be afraid to steal a quick nap during the day when you get the opportunity.



2. Get your travel vaccinations

Six to twelve weeks before heading overseas it’s important to chat to your doctor about your destination and find out whether you should get any immunising vaccines or shots before you leave.

While many countries are fine to visit without these risks, there are some places where it’s a good idea to take precautionary measures just in case. In other cases, you will need a vaccination certificate simply to enter the country, largely to protect the citizens of that country, but also because there may be an increased risk of catching certain diseases there.

Check before you go, and keep yourself and others protected.

3. Order meals with travel health in mind

Everybody knows the feeling of not knowing what to order at a restaurant, especially when everything looks so good.

If in doubt, opt for the meal that includes vegetables, or at least something with important nutrients including vitamins, fibre, and protein. You can also usually order a side of salad or veggies if your main lacks any greenery, and make a habit of enjoying a piece of fruit with breakfast each day.

You can still enjoy some delicious ‘travel food’, just keep your health in mind when it comes to your diet overall so you don’t end up feeling sluggish and bloated at the end of the trip.



4. Pack a medical kit

The last thing anyone wants while travelling is to need medical help, however it is always good to be prepared just in case. This can ensure that should something go wrong, you’ll have supplies on hand you can use immediately.

A medical kit should include basics like sunscreen, bandages, painkillers, TravaCalm for motion sickness, antacids, antihistamines, and any personal medications you usually need (keep these in their original containers that are clearly labelled for your use.). Keep in mind, some countries do not allow you to bring in certain medications and some medications cannot be taken overseas, so make sure you do your homework and check this out before you travel.

5. Walk whenever you can

You might not be able to attend your usual gym classes or run around your usual route while you’re on the road, but walking is free and easy to inject into your day.

Instead of taking an Uber or taxi, check to see how far it would be to walk to your destination. Opt for the hotel stairs instead of the lift, and spend spare time exploring the area on foot whenever possible. It might not be a high-intensity workout, but regular walks can maintain your fitness and look after your travel health when you’re away from home.

The goal is to return feeling rested and healthy, and with these travel tips, you shouldn’t need another holiday just to recover from your holiday.

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